Session Information

GlarAssist allows its users to centralize relevant information extracted from visual assistance sessions to support decision-makers. The session summary can appear in one of two ways:

- Session resume: At the end of the call, an automated summary of that specific assistance session will be automatically available for download

- Session summary: In the backoffice platform, you will have the possibility to review all the sessions' summaries 

How to access the session summary?

To access the session resume, after login in, in the initial menu, go down to the phone icon.

In the backoffice, the user will be able to see the session summary, a tool that allows the user to visualize, use, organize and download information and media collected from the call.

This feature will display a summary table in which all sessions' are listed. In this summary page, you will access information about your own sessions, and, your organization's sessions. The table will list the sessions, labels, date and time, session duration, and who has created it

Besides, it will be possible to rejoin a session from here and download a full report of the session in PDF format.

It will also be possible to review the detailed data and media from a specific session that took place, and, that is presented in this summary table. For that, you should select the session you want and click on its name. It will open a new page with all the details of that session.

How to access the session resume at the end of my assistance session?

When the user leaves the session, a page will appear (as shown below) with the summary of the information, records, session duration, and media shared during the session.

To download the summary, users must click on the button "Download all items", and items will be saved on users' own devices.

For more information on the Session Summary feature, please submit a ticket, or send an email to [email protected]

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