Import Materials

How to import materials data from Excel files?

With a few simple steps, you can now import materials to the platform by downloading an Excel template, filling it with the materials information, and then uploading it back into the platform. It is possible to preview the imported materials before finalizing the import. This way you can rapidly import large quantities of materials to the platform.

This new feature can be found in the release note version 0.72.0.

1. Import Materials

There are two ways to access the option to import your materials in bulk, depending on whether you already have materials added to the platform or not. 

1.1. In case you already have a table of materials

If you already have materials added to the platform, you can find the import materials option on the materials page. To access this page, go to the side menu, click on "Inventory" and then choose "Materials".  

Then click on the "Import Materials" button above the existing materials table.

A new material import page will open. There you can choose to first download an Excel template where you can insert the materials you want to import and fill in all the information about them. To do that just click on the "Download Template" button. 

An Excel file will be downloaded to your device. Open the file template and add the materials you want to import and their respective information.

Note: Some information fields such as Material Type, Name, Material ID, Amount and Unit are mandatory, otherwise when you upload the file to the platform an error will occur.

Save the document once you've finished. Go back to the platform and upload it to the platform. To do this, drag the document into the upload area or click on that area and select the file you want to upload. 

After adding the file, a preview of the imported materials will appear.

If everything is as desired, just click on "Save and Update".  

Once saved and updated, you will receive a message confirming the success of the import and your imported materials will appear in the materials table. 

1.2. In case it is the first time adding materials

If you haven't added any materials to the platform yet, when you access the materials tab you'll immediately see the option to import materials.

Click on the "Import Material" option and you will be redirected to the import page. The whole process will then be the same as explained before.

2. Potential Import Errors

The user will be alerted if there are any errors with the imported file or the content. Here are some examples of possible errors.

2.1. File format not supported

The file format you tried to upload is not supported. The file must be in XLS format.

2.2. Required field missing

The file you tried to upload is missing a required field. You need to add that field to your file and try again. The error locations will be shown, specifying the columns and rows where they were found.

2.3. Other errors

  • Empty file: This error occurs if your file has no data filled in.
  • Repeated IDs: This error occurs if you have materials with the same ID numbers.
  • Negative Values: This error occurs if you have material information with negative values attributed. 

If you have any question please contact technical support. 

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