Microsoft HoloLens II

Getting Started

Welcome to the Glartek mobile application getting started guide. Here you will find information on the following topics:

1. Installation
2. Account & Log In
3. Create AR Mapping
    3.1. Create New Folder
    3.2. Create New Area
    3.3. Mapping Area
           3.3.1. Add Anchors
           3.3.2. Add Markers
4. Execution

1. Installation

  1. Request APK from Glartek
  2. Connect the computer to the Microsoft HoloLens II through the Windows device portal
  3. Install the supplied APK by deploying it on the device portal 

Note: To find out more about this procedure, please click here.

2. Account & Log In

1. Start Glartek's mobile application on your phone or tablet
2. Create an access QR code.
3. Start the Glartek application on the Microsoft HoloLens II.
4. Choose the QR Code log in option.

5. Scan the QR code created.

3. Create AR Mapping

To carry out procedures using the Microsoft HoloLens II, it is first necessary to create folders that will contain areas. These areas are mapped with Anchors and Markers to provide guidance during the execution of the procedures.

Select the "Mapping" tab in the left menu to start your mapping journey.

If this is the first time you are accessing the mapping menu, it is possible that you don't have any folders or areas. Folders are useful for organizing your areas. Within each folder, you can have several areas grouped.

Note: If you already have folders/areas created, you can skip ahead to section 3.3.

3.1. Create New Folder

1. Tap the "Add" button.
2. Then tap "Add Folder".

3. Give your new folder a name and press "Create".

The new folder will then appear on your table.

Note: You can also add folders by using voice commands. Just say "Add folder".

3.2. Create New Area

You can create new areas directly on the mapping menu or inside a folder for optimal organization.

1. Press "Add".

2. Then press the "Add Area" option.

3. Enter information about your new area.

Note: It is possible to capture and upload a cover photo by snapping a picture, assigning it a name, and providing a brief description.

4. Click "Save" once you've filled in the required fields.

The new area will then appear on your table (or inside the folder where you created the area). 

Note: Edit an Area Profile

Once the areas have been created, you can still edit their profile information. To do this, simply enter the area in which you want to edit the information and press "Edit".
You can edit the name, description, and change the cover photo. Once you've made all changes, click "Save".

3.3. Mapping Area

Enter in the area you want to start mapping and click "Start Mapping".

During the mapping process, a menu will appear with the options "Add Anchor" and "Add Marker".
  • Anchors: Anchors need to be created first as they are responsible for identifying all markers within 3 meters.
  • Markers: Once the anchor is created, we can create markers. Markers are augmented reality representations of where elements are in space.  They need to be within 3 meters of the anchor.

3.3.1. Add Anchors

The anchor is responsible for identifying an area and creating all proximity markers. To create an anchor, you must follow these steps:
1. Click "Create Anchor" and place it in the equipment.

Note: You can create several anchors, it’s better to cover all sides of the machine/equipment. 

2. Position the anchor in the desired location.

3. Confirm the position using the hand menu.

4. Save the anchor by clicking "Save Anchor".

Once finished, a confirmation message will appear to indicate that the anchor has been created and the anchor will change its color to green.

3.3.2. Add Markers

Markers are augmented reality representations of where elements are in space.

1. Click on "Create Marker"
2. Choose the element that you want to represente from the asset tree
3. With the site or element selected, click on “Link”
4. Position the anchor in the desired location.

5. Confirm the position using the hand menu and click "Save"

4. Execution

1. Go to "Work Orders"

Note: Then choose on-demand or schedule (depending on which procedure you want to start). 

2. Choose the procedure you want to start. 

3. Once inside the procedure, click “Create New” on the left menu. 

4. Click "Yes" if you are sure you want to initiate the work order.

5. Then click "Start" on the top right corner to start executing the work order.

6. Follow the arrows on the screen to find the first task (green marker). 
7. Click on the green marker to open the task.

8. Follow the given instructions. When you have finished all the tasks on that marker, you will be guided to the next marker.

9. Once you have completed all the tasks in the work order, click on “Finish” to end the procedure. 

To learn how to execute a work order on a mobile device using the mobile application, click here.

If you have any question please contact technical support.

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