Profiles Introduction

Create and attribute profiles to elements

Profiles are attributed to elements. For example, if you have multiple machines in your factory, you can create a model for those machines and attribute it to an element.

Create Profiles

To access the profiles navigate to the left menu and select the "Profiles" tab.

You can create directly a new profile by clicking on the "New Profile" button. To better organise your profiles you can also create first a new folder by selection the option "New Folder"

After you've clicked a new window will appear where you can assign a name to your folder. After setting the name click on "Save"

Your new folder will appear in a listing near the top left of the profiles page. Click on it. 

Then you have two options to create a new profile by clicking on the button "New Profile" in the center of the screen or clicking on the smaller "New Profile" button in the top left of the window above the folders list.

A new window will appear, where you can choose a template for your profile. By selecting the template you can see the template inputs preview on the right side.

Once you select “Pick template”, you can complete the information field of the template such as profile name, description, and assigning labels to it. 

When you have all the fields filled in click "Save"

Attribute profiles to elements

To assign a profile to an element simply go to the site/elements page, select the element, and click on the "Edit" icon.

Then go to the "Profile" field and click to select the desired profile.

A new window will appear where you can select the profile you want to assign to the element. Once the profile is selected click on "Pick Profile".

After that, simply "Save" the edit of your element and that's it, the assignment of the profile to the element is done.

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