Release v.0.86.0

March 2024

New Features

  • Selection response option templates: Users can now have a faster experience using the selection response options. Now, when users create a template and choose the selection response option, they can choose a pre-defined response. For example, users can choose to have their selection option with the answers already included when they add it to the template. For example, OK/Not OK, Yes/No, Pass/Fail, and more.

  • 3D Model Library: Users have now access to a 3D model library were they can storage models used in work orders. In addition, users can also add 3D models to the library or preview and interact with existing ones.


  • Selection input improvement: Now, when executing a work order, if a selection response option has more than 5 response options the user will see a drop-down menu where he will be able to click and choose the desired option instead of seeing them all listed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed alignment error that occurred when creating a scheduled work order and adding a frequency making it impossible to see the correspondence between tasks and the frequency table.
  • Fix error on timesheets that were causing the presence of entries of "Team timesheet" on the individual timesheet ("My timesheet").

For more information,, how to download, available devices, and more please contact us. 

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