Templates Introduction

How to access, manage, create and edit issue templates

Templates serve as the basis of digital processes. To obtain digital processes, it is necessary to transpose processes that used to be on paper or other types of files into digital format.

This way, by creating templates with your process information, they can be used to creat new digitized processes and can be edited over time and signed to multiple process issues.

1. Access and manage templates

1.1. How to access a template?

To access the issue templates menu navigate to the left main menu and select the "Templates" tab. Then, inside that category choose "Issues".

The issue templates window will open and there you can see all the template folders already created (if you have already created any).

If you want to access a particular template, just click on the folder it's in.

Within each folder, you can have several templates. Choose the template you want and hover over him with your mouse and an edit icon will appear in front of the template.

Click on that icon and you will be able to edit your template.

Here you can edit everything you need in your template, from settings to tasks, inputs, or input content.

Just make sure you click "Save" in the bottom right-hand corner of the page when you've finished making your changes.  

1.2. How to menage templates?

On this page, in addition to being able to open the template you want, you can also duplicate or archive a template. 

To duplicate or achieve the template you just need to hover over the template with your mouse and the 3 dots icon will appear in front of the template. Click on that icon and the duplicate and archive options will appear. 

If you achieve a template it will be saved in the template archives (path: Templates - Archive - Issues). There, on issue archives, you can restore, preview or delete the template permanently.

If you choose to duplicate the template, you will create a copy of your template with all the same content and settings. 

2. Create and edit templates

2.1. How to create a new template?

To create a new template you must first create a folder or, if you already have folders created, enter one. This is because you can only create templates inside folders. 

To create a new folder, simply click on the folder icon in the top right-hand corner and give it a name.

Then, when you enter the folder you've created or a previously created one, just click on the "Create New" button. 

A new window will open where you can edit the name, create tasks, add inputs, and configure other aspects of your template.

2.2. How to edit a template?

Start by giving a name to your template. Click on the title field and edit the default name. 

You can then activate the issue header by clicking on the "Issue header" button.

When you click, a new box will appear on the right side where you can insert additional information that will appear before the issue starts. For example, you can add additional information, such as the expected duration of the issue.

You can also add questions or instructions by adding inputs to the header. But remember, all this is not part of the issue execution itself but just the issue header.

2.2.1. Create tasks

To start creating the main body of the issue, we need to create tasks or task groups. To create a simple task click on the "Add task" button.

A new task will appear. This task can be edited on the right-hand side of the screen. There you can change the title of the task, choose whether the task can be repeated or not (executed more than once), add labels to the tasks, rules, and tools and materials needed to execute the task.

2.2.2. Add inputs to tasks

An input (also known as a data entry field) present within a task, is the question, instruction, or indication that will appear to the user when he is executing the issue. 

There are different types of data entry fields that can be used. Your choice depends on the process you are creating and what information you want to collect or what instructions you want to give. You can use different types of data input within the same task.

To add a new input (or data entry field) click on the green " + " icon.

By default, it will create a simple text input.

But you can easily change the input to other types of inputs. Just click on the field where the type of input is indicated and a dropdown menu with various input options will open. Choose and click on one of them and the input will change automatically. 

Choose and click on one of them and the input will change automatically. 

Then you can edit the input. You can insert the question or indication and even add a description with additional details by simply clicking on "Add description"

In this case, where we are using a selection input you can also edit the two possible answers. Just click on the answer fields and type in your options. You can also indicate whether this is a mandatory question or not. If it is mandatory, just check the box that says "Required".

You can then add more inputs to your task and create more tasks to create your procedure digitally. 

When your procedure template is complete, don't forget to save it. 

You can then find it in the folder where you created it, ready to be used in the creation of issues. You can edit it again as often as you like.

2.2.3. Define conditional answers?

It is also possible to define conditional responses. In other words, if the user chooses a certain answer option, something happens. 

All you have to do is select the conditional icon in front of the question and choose which condition you want to apply. 

You have several options, such as finishing the issue immediately, answering a new question, going to a new task, failing the response, or requiring that an action or alert be created

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