
Webhooks are custom HTTP callbacks that you define. Webhooks are used to receive data as it happens, as opposed to polling an API (calling an API intermittently) to see if data is available. With webhooks, you only need to express interest in an event once, when you create the webhook. They are usually triggered by an event, such as starting a Worker Order or closing an Action. When the event occurs, Glartek makes an HTTP request to the URL configured for the webhook.

For example, you can use webhooks to:

  • Update an external system with the data of a finished Work Order
  • Send a notification to Microsoft Teams every time an Action is created
  • Log events as they happen on Glartek, for audit purposes

Note: Please contact Glartek for a detailed description and example payloads of the Webhooks.

Configure Webhooks

To configure a webhook:

  • Got to Settings > Webhooks.
  • Select New Webhook.
  • Select one or more type of webhook in the Webhook Type dropdown.
  • In Endpoint, enter the URL of the webhook endpoint. The URL must be percent-encoded if it contains one or more special characters.
  • Select Create.

Note: There is no limit to the number of webhooks that can be configured, nor the number of requests sent by Glartek.

Webhook Receiver Endpoints

Webhook receiver endpoints should be fast and stable. Slow and unstable receivers can be disabled automatically to ensure system reliability. Webhooks that fail might lead to duplicate events.

Endpoints should follow these best practices:

  • Respond with a 200 or 201 status response.
  • Respond quickly to the request. Avoid any significant processing of webhooks in the same request. Instead, implement a queue to handle webhooks after they are received. The timeout limit for webhooks is 10 seconds, after which will be treated as failed request.
  • Be prepared to handle duplicate events. In some circumstances, the same event may be sent twice. If you’re receiving multiple webhook requests, the webhook might have timed out. Glartek expects a response in 10 seconds. To mitigate this issue, ensure your endpoint is reliably fast and stable.
  • Keep the response headers and body minimal. Glartek does not examine nor stores the response headers or body. You should limit the number and size of headers returned. You can also respond to the webhook request with an empty body.
  • Never return 400 or 500 server error status responses if the event has been handled as this will be treated as failed requests.

Note: Glartek doesn't disable webhooks automatically when the requests are failing. The Glartek team aims to identify the failing requests and notify you to fix or remove them.

Webhook Types

Work Order CreatedTriggered when a new Work Order is created in the system.
Work Order StartedTriggered when work officially begins on a Work Order.
Work Order Overdue (Pending)Triggered when the deadline for starting a Work Order has passed.
Work Order UpdatedTriggered when a Worker order has updates (e.g., task status and responses).
Work Order CompletedTriggered when a Work Order status changes to 'Done' or 'Completed'.
Work Order DeletedTriggered when a Work Order is deleted from the system.
Work Oder AssignedTriggered when a Work Order is assigned or re-assigned to a user.
Action CreatedTriggered when an Action is created in the system.
Action In ProgressTriggered when an Action changes status to 'In Progress'.
Action SolvedTriggered when an Action changes status to 'Solved'.
Action Can't DoTriggered when an Action changes status to 'Can't Do'.

Webhooks support is under active development and may not be enabled for your account. Please contact Glartek for further information

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