Pause, cancel and reset issues on Microsoft HoloLens II

How to pause, cancel, and reset an issue during a procedure execution on Microsoft HoloLens II?

During the execution of a procedure using Microsoft HoloLens II, you can now pause, cancel, or reset an issue just like on mobile devices.

This new feature can be found in the release note version 0.69.0.

1. Access the options in your issue

With your issue open, click on the "More" button on the right side of your view. 

A small option menu will open with the options to pause, cancel, or reset the issue. 

2. Pause, reset or cancel an issue

2.1. Pause an issue

To pause the issue you are executing press the "Pause" button in the menu.

You will notice that your tasks will become inactive and that it will be impossible to finish the issue.

To resume the execution of your issue, simply click on the "Resume Issue" button. 

A new message box will appear asking if you want to resume your issue. If you do, press the "Ok" button.

2.2. Reset an issue

To reset the issue you are executing press the "Reset" button in the menu.

A new message box will appear asking if you want to reset your issue. If you do, press the "Ok" button.

You'll notice that your issue has been reset and that all your tasks are back to zero.

2.3. Cancel an issue

To reset the issue you are executing press the "Cancel" button in the menu.

A new message box will appear asking if you want to cancel your issue. If you do, press the "Ok" button. 

Note: This action cannot be undone.

After this, the issue will be canceled and deleted and you will be redirected to the issues folder.

If you have any questions please contact technical support.

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