Filtering and searching on the session history

How to access, filter and search on the user session history?

Now it is possible to easily revisit your recent activity and filter or search for specific sessions and pick up information shared during the sessions. This can be important if you want to take notes from a call or re-access shared documents and is available on mobile and desktop. 

This new feature can be found in release note version: 0.32.00.

Access the user session history

After login in the app, click on the "History" tab at the bottom of the screen. After doing this you will be redirected to the history view where you can find all sessions where you participated. 

Then you can click on a session to see more information about it. You will be redirected to a page with all the detailed information about the session.

On this page, you can edit the name, and see information about the date, time, duration, every participant, and all the labels associated with that session. You can even edit the labels, by adding or removing them.

You can also access and download records and files shared during the session by clicking on the "Documents" tab. In addition, you can even see what was said during that session through the chat by clicking on the "Chat" tab.

Apart from searching manually for a particular session, you have two other options. Search for a particular session using the search bar or using the filter to filter sessions.

Search sessions

Click on the magnifying glass icon in the upper left corner and a search bar will appear. There you can search for the session you want to find. 

Filter sessions

You can also use the filter to filter sessions. To do this just click on the "Filter" button. 

You will be redirected to a page where you can configure several filters, such as used labels, created by, date range, status, etc.

Is also possible to sort your filter search by date, duration, or session name.

You can also filter and search for information on the user session history while using your laptop or the desktop in the web application.

You will find the icons for search or filter on the top right side of your screen. There you can follow the same steps mentioned before for mobile.  

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