Platform Time Zone Settings

How to change platform time zone settings?

With this new feature it is possible now to access to the platform settings and select the desired timezone according to your preferences. To access the timezone settings, you need to be registered as an administrator in the permissions.

This can be useful when the company has people working in different parts of the globe with different time zones.

This new functionality can be found in release note version: 0.46.00.

When you save the timezone changes, it will refresh all the hours over the platform: Issues Schedule Date/Hour, Agenda hours, Actions due dates, Issues due date and Notifications time

There are two possible ways to change the settings:

  1. Through administration on Desktop
  2. Through profile settings on Desktop
  3. Through settings on mobile

1. Through Administration

Go to the left side menu of the platform, select "Administration" and then click on "Settings".

Then a preferences menu will appear. There you can choose your time zone preferences by clicking on the time zone entry. A preference menu should appear. 

Note: By default, the timezone will be browser default.

Then simply choose the timezone by clicking on the correct one. After that just click on "Save".

After saving the timezone changes, all the hours over the platform will refresh and update to the new timezone.

2. Through Profile Settings

Click on your profile picture in the upper right corner and then select "Profile Settings". A new window will appear. 

Click on the "Time Zone" menu and will appear a dropdown menu. Choose from the possible options and after that click on "Save".

3. Through Settings on Mobile

Click on "General" in the lower right corner of the mobile device. Then choose the "Settings" option. 

By clicking on the "Time Zone" menu that appears, a dropdown menu will show. There you can choose the time zone you want. After that, just press "Save".

If you have any question please contact technical support.

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